Samsung Family Hub Launch

Launch Campaign – Art Direction





Art Direction



March 2020

In 2020, when the pandemic caused the closure of showrooms that accounted for more than 75% of sales for smart fridges, Samsung launched its most advanced and expensive smart fridge, the Family Hub.

To reach potential buyers of premium fridges in Singapore, we utilized predictive data modeling and created a digital-first product demo that was engaging and relevant throughout their purchasing journey.

Our 90-second video highlighted real-life scenarios in which the fridge's features proved useful. We then personalized this video into numerous versions based on the viewer's profile.

Media analytics showed us that our digital creative optimization delivered an engagement rate which was 62% higher than the category. Samsung hit its sales KPIs within 3 months of the campaign despite the market slowing down drastically due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

By the end of the campaign period, the campaign sales KPI was exceeded by 125%.


Ad Stars / Shortlist / Data Insights
Markies / Silver / Most Creative Integrated Media
Markies / Silver / Most Creative Customer Engagement
Markies / Silver / Most Effective use of Customer Insight
MMA Smarties APAC / Gold / Programmatic and Machine Learning
MMA Smarties APAC / Bronze / Best Data Driven Display Creative